festivals and events and the late and long Scottish summer evenings keep the population out at street cafes into the night.
My daughter Sarah-Lea and I discovered Nics New York Deli and Donuts, one of a chain of three or four around Glasgow. This is a relatively new contender in the area for the patronage of the cafe occupiers, as Sarah recalls her days at Notre Dame high school not too many years ago when the Deli wasn't there.
With a fantastic affordable yet tasty menu, and a coffee that was drinkable without sugar (My sugar limitations aren't just over lent), I dare say we'll be going back there for the summer.
Then I discovered their rainbow pancakes and that they are considering a stall for pride. Well that won me over. I couldnt see anything that I could eat - because of the gluten free thingamy I am having to live with, but suffice to say it will be a great place to take the children.
The staff were fabulously friendly and even entertained wee Lailah a short while, getting lots of grins and giggles from her.
I cant wait for the long summer days so that we can saunter to this place after a walk in the Botanics or buy a few delicacies to eat on a picnic blanket on the way to the gardens.
If you decide to visit this place, Theyre not far from the corner of great Western road just a few doors down from Oran Mor. and for a quick preview heres their Facebook Page, Their Twitter stream and their Instagram account. Share folks - this ones a gem!