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Grow Your Own

It can be safely assumed that I am indeed a knit your own slippers, societal non conformist by my ramblings.

Just because I live on the top floor of an urban Tower Block certainly doesnt mean that I cant be a tree hugging, earth saving radical.

While I do not claim to be vegetarian, I eat a gluten free, mostly raw vegan diet. I do however have a weakness for cheese and dairy and thus my journey to veganism will be a long one.

I am pretty sure that I must have the biggest high rise herb garden at least in Glasgow and now include Tomatoes and raspberrys in my collection of high rise plants. The only real threat to these plants is the dog, who seems to have a penchant for both the mint and the rosemary!

My veg peelings and the pulp from my raw vegan juices  make fabulous compost and break down quite rapidly, so provide a good source of feed for the herbs.

The glass bottles that we bring into the house can be slumped and sold on, and even the plastic items can be recycled and sold on. We have a fabulous collection of reusable shopping bags.

The thing with plastic is that there seems to be endless possibilities to prevent it from landing up in landfill, so what are we doing throwing it all out?

Did you know that newspaper can be turned into furniture? No? Well then read on.

And while the country of my birth South Africa is running out of water, here we have so much, we're virtually at a loss how to stop ourselves from drowning. I have water saving ideas too.

I truly believe that as a species we have developed a mentality of selfish existence and it has been nurtured by a leadership that is well aware that by cultivating this, we remain divided and unable to prevent the global controls that are creeping up on us that are progressively eroding at our liberties.

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