consistently damp weather, Glasgow has some of the finest parks worth visiting. Just down the road from the "penthouse suite" there are two parks of note. Of note, because they both have ponds. UK park designers love ponds and you'd be hard done to find a park that doesn't have one in some form or other.
Victoria Park nestled between, Jordanhill, Scotstoun and Dumbarton Road is not large by Glasgow Standards but certainly is an attraction, with a well kept pond. This one is quite large and reputably quite deep too. Even the unfittest of us can do a circuit of this park although with a fabulous outlay of sprawling paths the are plenty of shortcuts. A bowling green and tennis courts can be easily accessed on the Jordanhill side. large wide open grassy spaces that facilitates everything from nursery play-days to Rugby practice and of course the quiet enclosed gardens for those seeking a peaceful retreat.
The park is dog friendly and visitors will find many a dog owner exercising their pet here. With plenty of shade offered on a hot day and a regular drinks/ice cream vendor there is little to fault on this wonderful space. perhaps its popularity is its only downfall because it can become crowded on a hot holiday weekend. But getting in early is the key. If your'e looking to lose a few pounds or up your fitness, Run in the Park have a weekly event where you can have your time recorded and of course the object to is improve your own time and not necessarily to compete. This happens most Saturday mornings ( I think Christmas and Easter are exceptions though. There is a fabulous little fossil grove there, that is really worth a look at especially on a rainy day.
With excellent facilities for children and public toilets that are maintained and kept clean, it really is worth a visit especially if you have some time to pass and looking for a less "touristy" side of the city. The locals are friendly and will stop for a chat too.
Remember though that Glasgow has a community policing "Stasi" and heaven forbid you should drop a piece of paper, you'll almost certainly face a £80 fine. Don't mistake these guys for the police. They look like cops but they don't have police powers as they have civil authority. How do visitors tell the difference?
Well for a start those caps they wear have yellow checks rather than white ones and most of the time they have an identifying badge label that says something like community enforcement officer on it. Simply be very careful with your litter.